Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Brave Park recognised as the best football pitch in the world!

A sniff of rain, and the council panic. Brave Park to the rescue!

All Games are on at Brave Park this weekend! Note a couple of time changes!

Due to the wet conditions making the Bega grounds unplayable, the following rd 8 games have been transferred to Bemboka.

9:00am u/8s Bemboka v Bega
9:50am u/9s Bemboka v Bega
10:40am u/11 Bemboka v Bega
11:40am u/10 Bega Red v Bega White
12:40pm u/14 Bega Red v Bega White
1:50pm Res Bemboka v Bega
3:00pm 1st Bemboka v Bega
Referees to be billed to the Bega Club.
Also the following game have been transferred to Merimbula
Field 2
10:00am u/13 girls Merimbula v Bega
11:00am u/15 girls Merimbula v Bega
Referees to be billed to the Bega Club.
The Bega u/16s and Ladies fixtures are postponed until a later date.

See you there!

Go you Braves!

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