Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Mick O'Reilly

(above) Miko had noticed he'd lost some of his pace of late..

Brave's club captain, Miko is second only in terms of years to Russ 'the Muss' Hill, and taking over as oldest Brave whilst Russ is injured. Played more games than Ryan Giggs, Miko has shuffled about the Braves lineup this year, making celebrity appearances in Ressie's up front and would have had a goal early if the offside law was ignored temporarily.
Miko is one of the more solid built of the Brave's, always cutting a fine figure in the showers after the game. He says a steady diet of white bread, loads of margarine and the odd Bourbon and coke can contributes to his manly physique, similar to a Kenyan long distance runner.
Has an entertaining left foot, a pretty handy turn of speed(the quickest of the O'Reilly's) and a first touch that resembles some of his U9 team at times. Also a prolific future Brave maker along with his long suffering wife Donna.
Ever the Clubman, Miko can be found every second Sunday early down at Brave Park marking out lines for the rest of the club to run about on for the rest of the day. Miko has had a solid season this year and really gives a lot to the club and the town in general.

Go ahead and give him a sportsman tap next time you see him:)

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