Sunday, 20 April 2008

5 more minutes?

The part most of the boys were looking forward to the most...
but the Braves Cheerleaders were in fine form...

It was the beginning and the end of the Braves Ressies preseason today and they got some numbers together for a practice match among themselves. A pleasant afternoon, even if most of us were knackered after10mins of the first half. Some nice touches going on all afternoon might just mean we're in with a chance of winning some games this year..
Among the goalscorers were Lenno (goalsneak), Joshy Mac, Pez, Donnie, Naro (nearly), Miko (not), Paddy? and Dunko(an own goal).
Big thanks to Beno and Roscoe, very andy players for coming on out for the kick- the few extra's made a difference.
Season starts next week. Dunno who and where we play yet.
Watch this space...
Go the Braves!

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