Sunday, 20 July 2008

Wanted- blokes to train. 1.5 hours per week. Award wage(nothin)

..The Braves had invited a guest coach for this Thursday to boost numbers..

After the glory of dispatching of Tathra at home 2 weeks ago, the Braves have had a bit of a school holiday from training in the subsequent weeks. No dramas there. As a professional outfit, the Braves have been able to adapt, but this week, we're looking for a decent session to blow out the cobwebs, hone some moves and shave any rough edges coming into the last round of the competition. With some solid weeks behind us, and the top 2 having some interesting results (including Bega 1-1 Tathra), the Braves will be looking forward to welcoming back Naro and Miko from injuries and really taper for the Finals this year.

Go you refreshed and newly enthuisastic Braves!

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