Saturday, 16 June 2007

Graham Barnett

Barney disowned this photo at Tathra...

Graham Barnett is a product of the Braves talent identification academy, and has had a solid season so far. A nasty tackle down at Tathra has slowed him down in recent weeks, but he continues to soldier out every Sunday regardless. Has shown himself to be fertile (just ask Emma), and can hit shots particularly hard, but not on target..
Loves a bit of Bega cheese and has a reasonable eye with a cricket bat in his hand.
Loves a bit of Red Bull when he's added something else to it, and he tells us it's good to keep you going all night(just ask Emma again).
Is a keen indoor bowler and likes to use the chalk when Crouchie gets a toucher. Also likes to hear Crouchie's Grandad's Bowls stories.

1 comment:

dunkotm said...

that guy looks retarded!
No wonder he didn't recognise himself! he's been dropped out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!